
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Visual Thesaurus

I can't believe I have not written a post about these Visual Thesaurus' and Graphic Dictionaries. There are lots of fun for teachers and students. It actually gets your students enthusiastic about looking up words, happy to think about language and playing with words and their meanings. Visual Thesaurus  is great language based application. You type is a word and the app connects all the ideas and concepts that are associated with the original term.

It will even pronoun the word for you. I like the way that each of the words are categorised into Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs and Adverbs. This allows the students to develop a deeper level of understanding on how all of the terms help to define or are at least related to the original term.

Ways to use in the Classroom:
1. These are great to use as warm-up activities for language based lessons

2. As part of a brain storming session about a specific topic or at the beginning of a unit of work

3. As a scaffolding lesson for a new assignment task

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