
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Photovisi - Poster Maker

One of my colleague asked the other day what Web 2.0 tools would be good for his students to use to make a poster. There are literally dozens that I could have thrown at him, but I like to offer two of three and lets the students decide which fits their own style of learning/working best.

One of the Web tools I put on the list was Photovisi. Photovisi allows you to easily create eye-catching photo collages by using your own photos stored on your computer.

You can use a variety of funky templates so that very few poster ever look the same. Once you choose one of templates you simply add as many photos the template allows.

Instructions to students are very simple: Upload the pictures, move and rotate them to modify the template and create your own collage with your own photos.

Once you'll have finished your masterpiece, Photovisi allows you to save it in many different formats and resolutions. It would be perfect to then combine this with another Web 2.0 tool and print these out using Block Poster (previewed previously) a tool that allows you to print out an image to any size.


  1. This is a great tool, but the best collage maker out there is
    So check it out to create an awesome dreamboard or just to simply make a collage.

  2. Hey Greg, there definitely are a lot of tools to consider! Have you seen Lucidpress' online poster maker? It is free for education, and is like the missing Microsoft Publisher alternative for schools on Google Apps.

  3. I've always used Lucidpress for their free online poster maker and really like it. Maybe i'll play around with some of these other options just for fun. Thanks for sharing.


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