
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Solar System Scope

This clever Flash-based Solar System Scope website is a great virtual resource for your students. You can spin the universe around to see it from all the different perspectives. It is probably the only time you can safely say grab a Planet and wiggle it around. This is great for getting your students interested in the Solar System.

 "Take a look and tell me isn’t that the geekiest bit of fun you’ve had in a while?"


  1. I know solar system is very important.It is very useful also.It has good benefits.I like this site.As of now, solar power and solar related devices are expensive. But it may be reduced if most of the people start using it.It seems Google is showing more interest in investing solar related projects. Refer

  2. This clever Flash-based Solar System swtor credits Scope website is a great virtual resource for your students. You can spin the universe around to see it from all the different perspectives. It is probably the only time you can safely say grab a Planet and wiggle it around. This is great for getting your wizardry gold students interested in the Solar System.


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