
Sunday, May 8, 2011

RearSight: Put the operator behind the Laptop Camera

I was introduced to this camera convertor at a Mac Smackdown Session at ULearn 2010 in New Zealand and just thought it was brilliant. I was eager to take it back to my school where we had recently instigated a 1-to-1 Mac Laptop program. Everybody loved it. It is so simple and is extremely easy to use. From our point of view it actually made moviemaking a safer process.

Put the camera or video operator behind the camera instead of in front. Turn you inbuilt camera into a camera that is like all other camera where
  • the image is the right way round and no longer reversed
  • you are able to fully control the camera without ducking out of the way
  • you are recording in seconds
Every laptop equipped with an inbuilt camera can now have a fully functioning video camera that
  • captures straight into iMovie; 
  • a camera when using Photobooth;
  • an animation station when using I Can Animate
  • a direct input device into Comic Life
The access this device provides leads to opportunities to easily digitally record every student in your class, great for assessment of subjects such as reading, the recording of commentary, the exploration and extension or oral language and a myriad of other uses.


These are easy to make but if you need lots than you can purchase a kit from the designer for $16.00 NZ. His contact details are iEducator Ltd, 31B Matai Rd Greenlane, Auckland or Email him directly at I am recommending these because they work exceptionally well in school situations, and I am more than happy with what they allow my students to produce. Although this was designed for a Mac Notebook, you could modify for most laptops with built-in cameras.

I have no financial interest in this product.

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1 comment:

  1. This is really cool. I was able to mickey mouse this with a couple of business cards and cut mirror on my xps14-1909slv. It's definitely much easier to point the camera around.


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