
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Challenged Based Learning

We have been using a CBL model to base our Yr 7 Learning Project on. I have posted about it once before - we are using the Al Gore multimedia iPad book as our inspiration. This video is a great explanation of the scaffold.

The basic Challenged Based Learning process.

1. The Big Idea
Every challenge starts with the selection of a big idea — a broad topic that has importance to students and their community. Topics like democracy, the environment, or sustainability.
2. Essential Questions
Students explore their big idea by asking questions that reflect their individual interests and community’s needs. How does food impact our health? How do our diets impact the environment? What are the benefits of organic farming? 
3. The Challenge
From the essential questions a challenge is developed to guide students toward a real-world solution. Like, let’s improve what we eat.
4. Guiding Questions and Activities
To meet their challenge, students need to ask guiding questions. What exactly do we eat? What nutrients do we need? What foods can we grow locally? To find answers, teachers work with students to identify guiding activities they can do at school and in their community. Students can interview people about their diets and analyze nutritional data etc.
5. Guiding Resources
Students take advantage of websites, podcasts, apps, audiobooks, and other resources to help answer guiding questions and develop solutions.
6. Solutions and Presentations
With their research complete, students choose one solution to develop. In this example, creating a school garden. To showcase their thinking, they can build an engaging presentation. Once the solution is approved, students implement it in the real world.

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