
Sunday, October 9, 2011

ASLA Conference Resources Roundup

I was lucky enough to be invited to present a session at the ASLA Conference last week at Riverview. I was amazed at the energy and enthusiasm around both professional development and the notion of integrating technology in education. 
Because of other commitments I was unable to attend the full conference however I was an eager follower on twitter for those sessions I missed and I wanted to make sure I missed nothing of the online resources being discussed. 
Tweeter of the Conference - Gold Star goes to @stacyt for 154 tweets, and who I was lucky enough to have sit in on my session and a close second goes to @craftylibrarian for a plucky 108 tweets. Congratulations to all who attended and to those on the committee - this is a conference all educators would benefit from. So after 1171 tweets from 146 different twitters who tweeted a total of 70 separate hashtags and 286 urls here is the breakdown.

Presentations: - gaming in education

Judith Way Are you game?
Carmel Galvin Librarycurrants
Tania Sheko Brave new world Her other blogs are listed from this site
Marita Thomson Developing readers one of various blogs
Karen Powers Big Bookcase
Leanne Windsor Learning to learn
Judith Way The Way forward previously the power behind SLAV's Bright ideas
Audrey Nay Teacher Talk  and other blogs

Tech Blogs:
Greg Swanson - Appsineducation
Silvia Tolisano - Langwitches
Andrew Churches Edorigami
Greg Swanson - Edtechtoolbox
Greg Swanson - Artygames

Australian k-12 LibGuides:
These TLs are curating content and providing lessons for their students via LibGuides. You can see their sites here.
Leanne Windsor, Petra Pollum and Alison Rout at the Illawarra Grammar School
Cathy Oxley and colleagues at Brisbane Grammar School
Tania Sheko and colleagues at Melbourne High School
Stacey Taylor and Jenny Uther at Monte Sant' Angelo
as well as my valued colleague at Trinity Grammar School, Alison Klein at our site The Arthur Holt Library.

Osfoora - rss reader for iPad
Aurasma - Augmented Reality for iPad -

Resources: - People stuck on an elevator
Web2 Tools:

Website Builders:

Interesting Websites:  - screen australia with teachers notes

Student Built Resources:

Gaming for Learning:

Books for Gaming in Education
Reality is Broken
Grand Theft Childhood
Don’t bother me Mum, I’m learning.
Please add to these by emailing to me names of resources for all those sessions I did not see. Alternatively, direct people to a more comprehensive list of resources for the ASLA Conference in the comments section. Enjoy


  1. Thanks for sharing Greg. A great list of resources to follow-up.

  2. Thanks for the mention, Greg. Your session was inspirational, great to see the work you had done with students in deconstructing the visual arts syllabus. What powerful learning for them in the rewriting and presentation of work as textbook phase. My ASLA resources are at but rather than add more, shall just link to your post as you certainly captured a wealth of material.


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